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How to Clean and Care for Your DipJar Pro

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your DipJar Pro, it's crucial to clean and care for the device. Like any electronic equipment, the DipJar Pro thrives in a controlled environment. Shield it from direct sunlight, and avoid exposing it to excessive heat or cold which can significantly contribute to the prevention of internal damage. Regularly inspect the physical condition of your DipJar Pro. Keep an eye out for any signs of wear and tear, such as frayed cables or loose connections. Addressing these issues promptly can prevent more severe problems down the line and extend the lifespan of your device.

While the device is durable, carefully consider where you place your DipJar Pro. Ensure it’s in a secure location to minimize the risk of accidental fall damage or theft. A strategic placement not only protects the equipment but also enhances its visibility, encouraging more donations. Dust and debris can accumulate over time, potentially affecting its performance. Regularly wipe down the device with a soft, lint-free cloth, and ensure that the surrounding area remains tidy.

If a liquid cleaning solution is needed, ensure it’s not corrosive, and DO NOT apply directly to the device. Water damage will destroy the device so it's important to spray any cleaning solution on a cloth so it is damp, then lightly wipe off any debris on the surface.