How to setup and use Spark and SparkVirtual

Spark Display is the best way to take your DipJar, or your Spark Virtual campaign, and supercharge their effectiveness. Our research shows that donors love to see what they're donating to, and even more, the impact that their donation is making. Spark Display allows you to provide exactly that information, in a system that is simple and intuitive to set up. You'll be able to use a tablet, monitor, or TV with web capability to display a screen showing your campaign, what you're raising funds for, your goal, and most importantly, progress towards that goal. 

As your donors make contributions, the progress towards the goal will be immediately shown, allowing donors to have a real-time gauge of their impact.   Setting up a SparkVirtual online giving page starts with creating a Campaign. You can begin creating a campaign in your Dashboard by navigating to the Campaigns tab. Here you will see a list of any previous campaigns that you have created. To create a new campaign, you can click on ‘New Campaign’ to open the Campaign Editor.

You’ve gotten into the Campaign Editor, but now what? Well, now it’s time for you to customize the campaign! A campaign is divided into four sections, each with different fields. Changing the different fields within the Campaign Editor allows you to customize how your Spark Display and online giving page look to your audience. Below is an overview of how each section and field will change your Spark Display and online giving pages, as well as some additional edits that you can request from our Support team!  


Once your campaign is created and saved, two links will populate in this section of the Campaign Editor. The Spark Display link allows you to display your campaign on any device with a web browser - like a tablet! We recommend using your Spark Display campaign with your DipJars to increase donor engagement while displaying progress toward your fundraising goal. The SparkVirtual link will take you to the online giving page related to your campaign. You can distribute this link to your donors to allow them to donate to your cause virtually!  

We recommend opening both the Spark Display and SparkVirtual links in separate tabs as you make customizations so you can see how your changes will look to your donors. Each time you save your campaign, the Spark Display, and the online giving page will update (almost) immediately. You can always refresh the pages to view your new changes as well!  

Please note: each campaign will have its own unique Spark Display and SparkVirtual links!  



The majority of the visual customization of your campaign will be done through the Display section in the Campaign Editor. You can find each field available to edit outlined below, along with how changes affect your Spark Display and SparkVirtual pages.  


The Title is the largest text on your Spark Display, helping to grab the attention of your donors. The Title does not display on the SparkVirtual page. The Title will display in the chosen Primary Color (more on that in the Theme field!).   


Let’s talk colors for a moment, shall we? Branding is incredibly important, it helps donors quickly recognize your organization! So, it's important to use the colors associated with your brand when building your DipJar fundraising campaigns. There are three Theme options available in the dropdown menu: Light, Dark, and Custom.

The Light and Dark options will use preset Primary and Secondary colors, which are listed below.  

Light Theme Primary Color             #304c5c

Light Theme Secondary Color.      #4894a4  

Dark Theme Primary Color.            #ffffff

Dark Theme Secondary Color.      #4894a4  

If you choose a Custom Theme, you can enter hex codes for the Primary and Secondary colors of your choice.   

The Primary Color is used for the following fields: Title, Amount Raised message. The Secondary Color is used for the following fields: Description, Thermometer, Thermometer numbers, Goal message, “Donate Now” message above the QR code that links to your SparkVirtual page.

Thermometer Style:   

There are two Thermometer options available for you to choose from: Bar or Dots. The Thermometer is only available on Spark Display currently.  

Tint Checkbox:   

Checking this box will apply a light tint over your chosen background image to improve the readability of the text on your Spark Display page. The tint will apply to your chosen background on your SparkVirtual giving page as well.   


This is where you add a description of your fundraising ask. Why are you raising money? How will the funds raised during this campaign impact your organization? Let the people know! The Description will display below the Title on your Spark Display page in a slightly smaller font size. The Description will take on the Secondary Color selected in the Theme section.   

Logo File Upload 

Upload a file of your organization’s logo. We recommend using a .png file for the best look over your background image. The logo will be directly below the Description on your Spark Display.   Note: The maximum file size for upload is 1.5 MB.   

Background Image:   

You can upload an image to be used as the background of your Spark Display and SparkVirtual page. The file uploaded will attempt to optimize sizing on any screen you use it on, but we recommend testing on the intended screen while building your campaign so you like the way it looks.    

Basic Details: 

The Basic Details section allows you to set the metrics that define your campaign.   
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The Name of your campaign is how you identify it in your Dashboard’s Campaign list. It will not appear on your Spark Display page. It will not appear on your Spark Display or SparkVirtual pages. It is solely for your own use within the Dashboard.  


The Goal allows you to let your donors know how much money you are hoping to raise during your campaign. The Goal will display with the thermometer on your Spark Display page. It will take on the Secondary Color in your campaign’s theme. Currently, the Goal is limited to the Spark Display page.   

Campaign Donation Values:

The Campaign Donation Values allow you to enter custom amounts for the preset buttons that your donors will see on the webpage. 

Screen Shot 2024-05-21 at 4.38.45 PMGoal Units:   

Sometimes it helps to translate dollars into the effect that those dollars have on your cause. For example, if $1 helps provide one meal you can display your progress toward your goal in meals rather than dollars.   

To utilize Goal Units, first, click the checkbox for “Display goal in units”. This will allow you to enter what your unit is (Meals, Diapers, whatever you’re raising for!) and how many dollars equals one unit. The thermometer on your Spark Display will update and look like the one below.

Note: Goal unit functionality has been temporarily turned off for increased testing. We're hoping to have this feature back up and running for your organization soon!  

Start and End Date 

Here you will enter the start and end dates of your campaign.   

External Donations 

Donations by cash, check, or other methods not collected by your DipJars or SparkVirtual can be entered as External Donations. This will add to the total amount raised in your Spark Campaign.

You can change the External Donations amount at any time during your campaign. The External Donations amount that you enter should always be the total external amount raised during your campaign.  When the External Donations amount is changed, the previously entered External Donations amount is removed from the campaign.  

Note: External Donations do not affect your DipJar donation history in any way.  They are shown only within your Campaign Display.  

Teams (Linked Jars):   

Teams contain the DipJars that will interact with your campaign as donations are collected. Teams can contain one or multiple DipJars. 

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In order for the Spark Display page to register donations from your DipJar(s), you must create a team containing the DipJar(s) that you wish to use. The Team Name can be set to anything you want.  It is for your internal reference and is not displayed on your Spark Display page.

Add the DipJar(s) that you wish to use within the team here.  Begin typing the device name or 6-digit serial number of your DipJars - available DipJars will appear within a widget in which they can be selected. Adding “Online Donations” to a Team will allow SparkVirtual donations to add to your campaign total as well.  

If you have any questions about creating a Campaign or SparkVirtual, please reach out to us at and we will be happy to assist!