In the Dashboard, what do the Total Intake and graph represent?

The Total Intake amount on your DipJar Dashboard is the total of all donations that your organization has raised across time using your DipJar. This total spans the duration of your DipJar use and may include multiple years of donations.  

The graph on the login page of your DipJar Dashboard shows the last seven days of donations using colored bars. If you have multiple DipJars, each of the colored bars represents the total donations for that particular DipJar. If you scroll over the bar, the DipJar Name and Donated Amount will display.  

The time period of the graph can be changed by scrolling down to the bottom of the graph and selecting the Day or Custom buttons. Selecting the Day button which will display the current day in hours from 12:00 am to 12:00 pm. Selecting the Custom button will allow you to enter Start and End Dates. Once the Start and End Dates are entered, clicking the View button will update the graph for the Custom time period selected. If the selected time period is within a two-month range, you can also download the results in a CSV file by clicking the CSV that will appear as a link above the Total on the top right-hand side corner of the graph once it has updated.